Northern Rig Holding Ltd is registered on the NOTC-list as of 9 December 2019 with ticker code “NOL”. The company has issued 63,726,692 shares each with a par value USD 1.00, all of which are registered in the VPS with ISIN code BMG6682J1036. Based on the issue price of USD 5.34 per share (equivalent to NOK 49.0 per share), the market capitalization is USD 340,300,535 million (equivalent to NOK 3,122,607,908).
The company has entered into an agreement whereby it will be able to use the reporting systems as of 9 December 2019.
Northern Rig Holding Ltd. is an international drilling contractor who owns two of the most sophisticated semi-submersible rigs in the world. The rigs are contracted to Wintershall and Lundin, respectively. As of the date of registration on the NOTC-list, the company is owned 71% by Northern Drilling Ltd.